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<3 thank you thank you <3 (i dont know how to add emojis so just pretend those were just as cool as yours)

This was one of the greatest test games I’ve ever played! Not only were the questions eerie/ominous, but it was also downright terrifying. I played it as a part of my Half Hour Horror video and it was the perfect closer. Amazing work!

hell ya dude! Thank ya thank ya.

I watched the whole thing, because of course, and that b ending in suspicious person is too incredible and i was not prepared for that. 

Thanks man, that means a lot. Still thinking about the experience I had with your game, it was that good. You're an amazing developer with awesome potential. Keep up the great work.

(1 edit)

One of the Best Test like games i have ever played its soo high quality and its very spooky. I like how the test tried to actually mess you up by the pattern. This Game is Awesome! 10/10. The sound design of the game is amazing as well! I would recommend below is my playthrough of the game

THANK YA dude! seriously, means  a lot.

on a different note - id recommend checking out that retry button to see what happens. just, a thought. who knows. 


Hey.. Its me.. Peepaw Blades.

Let me just say.. ive played EVERY HORROR GAME EVER.

All of them. You name it, ive played it.

This.. this is a MASTERPIECE!!

The monsters.. the atmosphere... the PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE!!

This is what Analog Horror can be.

Solid 10/10. Highly Recommend. 

Your Pal,

Scotty Blades Youtube Monster Hunting Champion. 

Wuv u

damn peepaw, those are some of the nicest things anyones every said about my work. youre a champ and a i love ya. thanks my dude. 

Hi, I'm looking for a little known game where the story is not told directly or there is a backstory that is explained through clues and hidden details to make a video on YT, and as you said you've played a lot of horror games, can you recommend one to make a video of it? Thank you :D

I really enjoyed it, good work :)


thank you so much for playing :) 

I will say - you should *retry* it and see what happens, there might be more?

Very creepy game. Good experience. 

youre the only person ive seen thus far that watched the entirety of the creepy face jumpscare. ha i spent so much time on that silly animation - im glad someone got to appreciate it. 

<3 thanks for playing

what a riiide, man!! This is the best game of its kind so far imo. I really had a fun time playing and making this video!

hell ya dude! I commented on ya video too but wanna double check - when did you record this?? The strobe effect is supposed to only last for that single video frame - and the bttons are *supposed* to be disabled until a specific event. Something got all screwy and the buttons allow ya to move forward, allowing the strobe effect to continue LONG past when its supposed to stop. Ideally, i caught it after a day - but if its still going strong, I gotta fix that ASAP.

This is really high quality and well put together analog horror game you made here. I look forward to seeing more from you and can't wait to see the full game

thanks for playing! 

just for the record, if ya "retry" the end part (when the test quits to the menu) there may be more to it! Just a thought. 

also, if you quickly look up after pressing the buttons during the end part, you won't get caught :)

Loved the analog style of this game.

"thats some bullsh*t" 
for some reason, that got me good.

thank ya my dude.  loved watchin ya playthrough

I am starting to really love analog horror games :) I thought this was a complete game lol I spent so many hours trying find secrets . This is only the demo though :) I actually really enjoyed this game and cant wait to see more of it !


Ha I added a secret in the dark after reading this comment - wanted there to be something worth looking for. 

So thanks for looking :)

aww :) Thats awesome , thanks! Ill go back in and see if I can find it lol 


Greepy atmosphere!

Thank ya thank ya! I notice your framerate dropped a bit during more intensive scenes - I realized some of the textures I use were far higher than they needed to be so I knocked em down a bunch. Hopefully thatll help for future releases :)


I absolutely loved the game and was terrified throughout it! Keep up the good work. (here is my playthrough if anyone is interested!)

For being a demo, this was really good! Really spooky throughout the whole thing. Cannot wait for the full release! Made a video on it.


thank ya dude! that means a lot. IIRC, you were one of the first people to record a playthrough of future racer - and id never really seen someone play one of my games before (ha yay playtesting your own games...). it was really cool and a pretty big milestone for me. just wanna say - love your playthroughs. your work is not unnoticed :)

very scary game loved it man! 

I love how good this game and hate how good it is, my anxiety and horror was high the ENTIRE play through. Definitely recommend the play!

hahaha. "im legit sweating right now" best frickin compliment i could get. 

hell ya dude. thank ya for the wonderfully specific and visceral compliments - it seriously means more than im sure you expect. 

I say this in the nicest way possible: I hate you for making me go through that 🤣 in all seriousness looking forward to the full release!

Got a perfect score and hopefully saw every possible question in V2.0

f*ck ya. commented on your third vid up top - but i am LOVING THESE

i don't think i've ever been as genuinely scared while playing a game as i was while playing this.

hell ya :) so glad! hopefully the full game keeps it goin

This is amazing, I NEED TO PLAY THE FULL RELEASE, Probably one of the best horror games i've played recently :) 

By far one the best analogue horror games, I've played.  Sound design and set design is awesome.  Looking forward to the full release!

good job very scary

Well done, i was creeped out the whole time, keep it up!

Such a dark and intriguing game!! Can't wait for the full release. Following for more. Great work Tim!! 

Was That a Secret Ending? 


Loved the game. really confused me too

It was an interesting gaming experience, thanks for the opportunity to play.
I'm waiting for more scary moments and multiple endings to be added to the game! :)


This was awesome analog horror! The creatures were great and the little videos creepy, I would just turn down the strobing effect but other then that I want to play more! I recommend completely, here is my gameplay!

A lovely game to experience

Wow, this freaked me out hard, I didn't start the test again after dropping out once I was so shook. Really great experience.

Wanted to ask though - Is there any plans to add an option to tone down or disable the flashing effects? I have a visual epilepsy sensitive friend who'd love this, but I don't think they could handle the flashing.

(1 edit)


RE: flashing effect - is it just the one part (pre- today was special slide, lady video thing) or are there other parts?
EDIT-  i think theres some more flashing during the other video slide part as well

just pushed a patch that has a toggle for the strobe effect under the gameplay tab in the options. it turns off the instances of a strobe effect *that i could find* - so PLEASE have him play at his own discretion. I can't promise that I didnt inadvertently miss one and it'd kill me if your friend ended up having a seizure. so if you play it again and find one that i missed, let me know and Ill remove it! 


This was really cool! A cool unique twist on an existing idea :). Thanks for the game!

Great analog horror game! Really loved going through it twice just to see if there was anything different and noticed a few different things. Great work!

thank you dude! really means a lot. i changed a few things around so the fakeout is still hidden...but slightly less confusing.  and as i said before, your beard is absolutely glorious.

This had me on the edge of my seat from the moment I started, to getting secrets within the game! Can't wait for the full release!

FRICK YE. thank you brudda. what a wild ride that was. 

Wow, this is really cool! I didn't know what to expect but was pleasantly surprised. And creeped the hell out haha. Thanks for the fun!

Also, I think I ran into a bug after the test. The game closed but luckily I reopened it to check it out some more because I would've missed the next part (it started me at the WASD part after clicking Retry in the menu). It worked fine on a 2nd playthrough though and didn't close after the test.


first off - helllll ye on the playthrough. thank ya. super entertaining watch.

as for the bug - its NOT a bug...but i changed it to be less accidental looking. the idea was that the game glitches and resets. but i think in hindsight its too subtle because a lot of people seemed to miss it. so i added a little bit more to it. ideally it makes it more clear - but we'll see. Ha its hard to know when youre in the thick of it! but thanks for letting me know :)


Really great analogue horror game, excited to play more

Hey! I think the game bugged out during the WASD part. When the screen is blank, I can move the dot just fine, but when there's a creepy face behind it, all of a sudden, the controls don't work!

i think the gray dot just gets hidden? it randomizes its placement - and sometimes that placement can be hidden within the gray values of the image beneath it. I could be wrong though! either way, I think that part needs some tweaking because its either far too easy (right next to it) or far too hard (literally impossibly far). its a hard balancing act! but if you keep running into it - lemme know and ill try to troubleshoot it for ya. 

The problem isn't the dot's visibility; it's the controls. Using WASD after the "tutorial" seems to do nothing.


Huh! Im so sorry that's happening - although, unfortunately, I cannot recreate it so Im not entirely sure how to fix it. The best option i can think of it is sadly to restart the test from the beginning (sorry!). The most recent patch has a "reset test" option in the main menu for restarting to the beginning. I wish i had an option that fixed your current game though - so again, apologies! if that *doesnt* fix it, definitely let me know!

This was extremely good, are there different endings? I got to the end and the game shut down the second time, but after reopening it it kept repeating itself at the room where I have to find the telephone. Is after I find and read the "special day" thing all or did I miss something? 

Amazing game anyway, I was just looking at your future racer 2000 in steam when I saw you have a new game planned and it turned out you've already posted the demo here, another masterpiece, well done.

(1 edit)

Thank you!! That means so frickin much. 
It's *SUPPOSED TO* delete your save and restart but clearly that aint happening. 
But no! You did it all, my friend. Ill add in an end slide to confirm the ending - thanks for stickin with it and letting me know :)
ALSO I should add - there *Will* be multiple endings, I just wanted feedback on what I have so far so I didnt fall too far down the rabbithole working on something that didnt work. So im glad ya liked it!:)

uploading a patch in a minute so itll delete the save and allow for you to start a new game - if ya do try it again, lemme know if it works on your end!

Sure thing, keep working on this, this is the best analogue and in general horror I've played in a while

thank ya so much :). seriously.

(2 edits)

Saves still aren't deleted. Been stuck on the 'Find the phone' part w/ the crawly dude and pathways near the end. Uninstalled and reinstalled the .rar files as well to see if there was a patch but still stuck


Dang this game is super creepy 10/10


thank you thank you! im watching now! Ha you actually missed the scare i spent the most time on because I forgot to disable to buttons at the right time - which unfortunately allows ya to breeze right past it (right after the strobey part with the "today was special" all black slide) So Im fixin it right nah! Super useful! <3 much love and thank ya for playin :)


HA! nvm. you still got it - when you turned around  after the squid dude. Im actually torn on keeping it. Because that was arguably a far better placement for it. Man, so much fun to watch! SO many ideas!


ok im blowing up your post but i shoulda waited until i finished the vid to comment. 

So you actually have a lot of the game left! i need to explain the mechanics better - but the longer you look at the buttons during the last AB calibration, the faster the dude moves toward you. so if you look away after press it, it will stop moving. Im going to make a slide for it RIGHT NOW

ah cool im going to play it again later! It freaked me out so i definitely want to play it again! I hope to see the full game soon. Keep up the good work! Ill add the rest of the playthrough on my channel later if i can beat it lol

I have one more problem. After i answer the phone and i do the calibration it just closes the game

that's intentional -  its supposed to be a hard cut! but i changed the ending so its more definitive and less ambiguous. Ha i wanted to try something experimental but I think the general consensus has been its confusing. Ya live and learn!

sounds really interesting. Will try in a bit. Which engine is it running on?

unreal 5! im shit at regular coding so sadly unity and godot were out. i tried to optimize the best i could though so ideally, its relatively performative. lemme know if it isnt though

(1 edit)

I will for sure. It’s on my list to play tonight. I’m also using unreal 5 for a game I’m making. Just so you know unity also has visual scripting. Not sure how it compares to BP in UE. 


creepy game, but stuck on the choosing ab part, i click on the correct buttons but i keep dying.

Hmmm - I’m sorry to hear that! Thank ya for letting me know though. When you say dying- do you mean the big eye guy gets ya? Trying to figure out which part is breaking. 

ok i watching someone else play and im realizing the issue i think. ill add a slide or something to explain it. the longer you look at the buttons, the closer the big eye guy gets. so if you press a button and look away, itll stop moving. i totally forgot to explain that. MY BAD. 

added a small patch to make that clearer - but if youre still struggling, lemme know and Ill make the timer to get "caught" slower. 

sorry for the late reply, but thank you for helping. i've enjoyed every game you've put out. 


of course! thank ya :) and I *did* make the timer slower - seems like you werent the only one getting stuck. 

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